Accessibility Leadership
Ensuring Manitoba's accessibility legislation is fully implemented involves various levels of the Manitoba government.
The Accessibility for Manitoba Act identifies various roles and assigns responsibilities to each.
Leadership Roles under The Accessibility for Manitobans Act
The roles identified in The Accessibility for Manitobans Act include:
The Minister responsible
for Accessibility
As defined by The Accessibility for Manitobans Act, the Minister responsible for Accessibility (Minister):
- raises awareness of how people are disabled by barriers and promotes the removal and prevention of those barriers
- oversees the development of accessibility standards and their implementation by affected individuals and organizations
- ensures those affected are consulted in the development of standards and know their responsibilities
- prepares an annual plan that outlines activities related to The Accessibility for Manitobans Act in that year
- prepares an annual report, within six months of the end of the fiscal year, outlining activities undertaken by the Minister and the Accessibility Advisory Council for that year
Annual Plans Read the Minister's
Annual Reports Minister Responsible
for Accessibility
Accessibility Advisory Council
The Accessibility Advisory Council (Council) is made up of members of the disability community and affected stakeholders, including representatives of business, municipalities and other organizations.
The Council makes recommendations to the Minister regarding:
- priorities for accessibility standards, their content and implementation timelines
- activities of government to improve accessibility
- long-term accessibility objectives for Manitoba
Council Members Accessibility Advisory Council
Terms of Reference Council Summaries of Discussion
Accessibility Standard Committees
The Council can create a standard-specific committee to help develop a standard.
- committee members are chosen by the Council
- committee members provide the Council with expertise
- once a standard is enacted, the committee is then retired
Committee meeting summaries are public.
Director under The Accessibility
for Manitobans Act
The role of the director includes:
- general administration of The Accessibility for Manitobans Act
- exercises the powers of the director to ensure compliance of the act
- advises the Minister about the administration of The Accessibility for Manitobans Act
- performs any other duties assigned by the Minister
Accessibility Compliance Secretariat
The Accessibility Compliance Secretariat (Secretariat), promotes and enforces compliance across the province by following the Accessibility Compliance Framework.
Accessibility Compliance SecretariatManitoba Accessibility Office
The Manitoba Accessibility Office is the administrative arm of The Accessibility for Manitobans Act.
It acts as secretary to the Accessibility Advisory Council and its committees. The Manitoba Accessibility Office also develops resources and tools to promote The Accessibility for Manitobans Act and offers training to educate the public about accessibility.